PANDITH Umamaheshwara Shasthry and Veerabhadhra Shasthry both spoke on the Principle of Godhead, (Bhagavath–thathwam), as far as they had grasped it, and as far as language can express it; for, it is something beyond expression and explanation. It has to be experienced and once experienced, the richness, the fullness, the extent, the depth of that experience can never be communicated to another.
Man must feel that his highest destiny is to have that experience. He is not a despicable creature, born in slime or sin, to eke out a drab existence and be extinguished for ever. He is immortal; he is eternal. So, when the call comes from the region of immortality, he responds with his whole heart. He refuses to believe that he will die. He laughs at Death and treats him as a harmless casual visitor. For, there is something in him that whispers a challenge to death. He is a mixture of deha and deva - of the mortal and the immortal.
If liberation means the stoppage of grief and the acquisitio...