If you lack pure mind and good character, how do you expect Sai, the bestower of peace, love, happiness and prosperity, to appreciate you? How do you expect Prema Sai to treat you as His own? (Telugu Poem)
Human life is one of compassion, time is sacred; the heart is pure; and the mind is nectarous. Having been blessed with such a sacred human birth, what is one supposed to do? What is the foundation on which the mansion of life is to be built? Every one aspires for peace and happiness. How can one lead a peaceful life? It is possible only when one puts human values into practice. Human values need not be acquired from outside; they are latent in every person. If such values are forgotten, how can one progress in life? In the first instance, one should enquire into the purpose of their birth.
Human life is based on samata (equality), samaikyata (unity), saubhratrutvam (fraternity), and saujanyam (nobility). They constitute the very foundation of the mansion of life. Life will ...
Fifth World Conference of Sathya Sai Seva Organizations
21 November 1990
Oh Man! When you come out of the mother's womb You have no necklace of any kind round neck. Neither of pearls, nor of gold, nor a string of gems; But there is one garland round your neck with which the Creator has sent you. It is the heavy chain of your good and bad deeds carried from all your past lives. That unbroken chain is all that you bring into the world. EMBODIMENTS of Divine Love ! Karma (one's deeds) is responsible for birth. Every man is a child of Karma. Born on account of Karma, Dharma (Righteousness) becomes one of the primary goals of human life. Dharma governs all worldly and other-worldly actions in life. Based on the rules of Dharma (conduct) pertaining to one's caste, vocation, or Asrama (stage in life), people are supposed to regulate their lives. This is regarded as Dharma. But this is not the correct meaning of the term. Dharma in its exalted meaning is that which applies to all people, in all countries at all times.
The eternal Dharma
Dharma is that whic...
Embodiments of Love!
The one who realises that the same Atma that dwells in him is in all other living beings will experience and enjoy divine proximity always. He may be a renunciant or a householder or a celibate or one who is attached to the world; one who realises the Atmic principle leads his life with the firm conviction that daiva sannidhi (divine proximity) is his pennidhi (greatest wealth).
What is the primary duty of man? He should make efforts to understand the teaching of the Gita,
Sarvatah panipadam tat sarvathokshi siromukham,
sarvatah sruthimalloke sarvamavruthya thishthati
With hands, feet, eyes, heads, mouth, and ears pervading everything,
He permeates the entire universe.
You should realise the truth that the principle of Atma that is present in all beings is one and the same. Since man is unable to understand his true nature, he is facing all kinds of problems in life. He is deluded by the thinking that he is the body. Consequently, he is forgetting his...
World Conference Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations
18 May 1968
THE mariner uses his compass to guide him aright amidst the dark storm clouds and raging waves. When Man is overwhelmed by the dark clouds of despair and the raging confusion of irrepressible desires, he, too, has a compass which will point to him the direction he has to take. That compass is a society that is dedicated to the propagation of spiritual discipline. So long as man is attracted by outer Nature, he cannot escape the blows of joy and grief, of profit and loss, of happiness and misery. But, if he is attracted by the glory of God within him as well as within Nature, he can be above and beyond these dualities and in perfect peace. The body is the car, where God is installed for the festival of adoration. Its four wheels are dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desire) and moksha (liberation) - the four goals of man, Dharma modifying artha and moksha controlling kama. The car can move only when the fuel of vijnana (higher knowledge) is poured; the tyres are to be inflat...
6th World Conference of Sathya Sai Seva Organizations
21 November 1995
A pure, unwavering, compassionate heart, truthful speech, and use of the body for dedicated service to others, are sublime qualities in a human being, says a Sanskrit poem.
Mankind has been engaged in the quest for Truth from the earliest times. Bharath is the birthplace of many sages who explored the realms of the spirit, discovered the highest truths and proclaimed them to the world. In more recent times others have been engaged in pursuing scientific investigations to discover a different set of truths. Whatever the truths discovered by science or spirituality, the ultimate reality is the energy of the atom. All that is perceived or experienced in the manifested Cosmos is the combination of atoms. The five basic elements are made up of atoms. The food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, the sounds you hear are all expressions of atoms. The Cosmos is made up of atoms. It has taken science a thousand years (of investigation) to discover this tru...
5th World Conference of Sathya Sai Seva Organizations
20 November 1990
Proclaim with raised hands that caste and credal divisions should go;
Speak out repeatedly that service to the weak is Divine;
Meditation on the Lord's name will lead man to the Lord's abode
And confer immortality on him. Declare that all men of devotion and faith are your kith and kin.
Those who teach this wisdom to the people are dearest to the Lord.
Getting rid of feelings of differences, if you live in love and harmony,
That alone will delight Sai. What more can I tell you, Oh good people, assembled here? Anapeksha Suchir-daksha Udasino gathavyathah Sarvarambha Parithyagi Yo madbhaktah sa me priyah "THAT devotee of mine, who expecting nothing, is pure, dexterous, unconcerned, free from distress and renounces all undertakings, is dear to Me." (Bhagavan began His discourse with this sloka from the twelfth canto of the Bhagavad Gita). The first quality figuring in this sloka is Anapeksha. This term means, "to be free from any kind of Apeksha (expectation or desire)." Can a man ha...
THIS Conference where devotees from all the States of India have come together is a good opportunity to exchange ideas and chalk out programmes of activity. You can also present difficulties and doubts and return with faith strengthened and hesitation cured. You must keep politics away from the associations, for, these are exclusively for spiritual development. Where the rough and tumble of politics and party factions are prevalent, no spiritual discipline can flourish. You have to seek unity, love and peace, and not promote differences, debates and disputes. They belong to politics, that is to say, competition and contests for places of authority in the Units have corroded some associations even in this Organisation, because individuals have not learnt to control their ego, their minds have not been cleansed of Rajasik tendencies. Dhaya,Dhama, Dhana - these are the three qualities that have to be cultivated by man. Dhaya: Compassion to curb the Asuric tendencies; Dhama' Control to fos...
EMBODIMENTS of the Divine! The Cosmos is permeated by God. What we call the jagath is the world in which we are born, grow and return to the place from where we came. The earth is the base for our world. On this earth ceaselessly, inside and outside, night and day, everywhere, we have the air blowing, but it is not visible to the eye. Man spends his time in various activities; eating and resting. When we look up, we see the boundless sky. During the day we see the Sun shining gloriously. At night, there is darkness. Wherever we turn, we see mountains, rivers, trees, houses and mansions. All these beautiful things are visible to the eye. In the story of man, the first activity which he developed was agriculture. Every living thing feels hunger and searches for food. The first cry of a child is for milk and the moment it gets fed, it goes to sleep. Food is thus the first essential thing for every living thing. This food comes primarily from land. This is the reason why from the earliest...
World Conference Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations
17 May 1968
YOU are engaged in discovering solutions to problems, arguments to overcome doubts, means to prevent new problems and fresh doubts from arising; such exercises which all conferences relish, cannot help successful navigation across the sea of spiritual endeavour. These are but frail contrivances, these discussions, resolutions, speeches and regulations. The world is much too stormy and agitated to be quietened by these. This is the time for cool calm contemplation, not quick passionate speculation and hasty decision. You need to contemplate once again on the eternal lessons laid down by the sages of India's past, lessons that have been neglected and cynically forgotten in recent years. The suggestions and solutions that come out of the discussions today are all good, so far as they go; but, how can a person who cannot himself swim, teach others the art? How can one whose granary is empty pour out in charity? Acquire the wealth of devotion, fortitude and peace before venturing to advise...
While this discourse has not been part of the Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 13 (1975 - 77) book, it has been published in the 1978 Sanathana Sarathi edition.
The Bliss of Realisation is not an article that one can give another or which one can receive from another. Brahmananda is not transferable. This Truth has to be first accepted by every one. For, what has to be earned by one's own effort is nowadays sought for, from others. This is mere waste of time. The Atma or Self is holy; it is full; it is free. So, each one is holy, full and free. Know this and you are free. Feel it and you are full. Live it and you are holy.
But, through sheer ignorance of this fact, man imposes on himself sacrilege, incompleteness and dependence and he laments his fate and destiny. This is indeed behaviour to be ashamed of! The human being is not simply this conglomeration of the five elements that form the material body we see. It contains the mind, prone to resolution and Irresolution crisscrossed ...