Remove the impurities of the mind, andFill your heart with supremely pure feelings.The eye of wisdom will reveal to you thatThe world is filled with the light of Brahman.Why does a Self-Realised person need penance?Of what need is spiritual effort to one who adheres to Truth?Does a guileless person need to do sacrifices and rituals?These words of Sai convey the path of truth.
Birth and death are natural, inevitable. Bhargava, who had recognised the mystery of birth and death, grasped the secrets of the north and south paths (uttarayana and dakshinayana), who knew the significance of the bright and dark fortnights, was filled with contentment and bliss upon listening to Pippalada’s wisdom. He bowed to the sage in humility and expressed heartfelt gratitude.
Awareness during sleep
At this point, the fourth disciple, Souryayani, the grandson of Surya, approached Pippalada. “Swami, when the countless beings of the world sleep, who sleeps in reality? Who is awake then? Who dreams? Who ...
Just as the reflection is not stuck to the mirror,Just as lotus leaves are not wet by the water they dwell in,Sins cannot stick to a devotee.Birth and death are an inseparable pair,Like the two wheels of a chariot.If one of them ceases to exist, so will Creation.This is the secret of the Cosmos.
Students, Embodiments of Divine Love!
The One has become many (Ekoham bahusyam). The will of God presiding over creation (Prajapati) created the pairs of basis and based (moolam and sthoolam), inert and conscious (jada and chaitanya), life force and living being (prana and prani), matter and energy.
The interaction of these dualities resulted in the living and non-living universe. The foundation of the world is the union of the Sun and the Moon principles. The Sun represents life force (prana) and the Moon, the living being (prani). You saw yesterday that this wisdom was imparted by Sage Pippalada to Kabandhi, the son of Sage Katya. Kabandhi heard the sage’s words attentively, appreciated the...
Peace is non-existent, truth is scarce.Fear of weapons has mounted.Selfishness is the cause of these harmful trends.These words convey the truth.
Brahman (God) is truth, wisdom, and infinite (Sathyam jnanam anantam Brahma). Imperishable, Supreme Self, Supreme Principle, Knower of the Truth of Life (Aksharam, Paramatma, Parathathwam, Kshetrajna) - these terms are merely synonyms for the Atma. Names are based on place, time, and situation.
Every being aspires to be happy, to keep misery at bay. Although one desires joy and peace, why is one compelled to experience sorrow and difficulties? Sorrow, unrest, and fear are nothing but reflections of joy and peace. Without sorrow, joy has no value. If unrest did not exist, why would we yearn for peace? These dualities follow each other and are interdependent.
We spoke of Om yesterday. We say that the three sounds - a u m - represent the physical, astral, and solar worlds (bhu-loka, bhuvar-loka, and suvar-loka). Also, the three Vedas - Ri...
Fear of sin has disappeared.Wicked actions have become commonplace. Devotion to Lord Vishnu is absent.The world is a den of indescribably cruel acts.Lord Vishnu is the refuge of sages and saints.His Name alone can grant peace, O manHis Name alone can grant peace, O manHis Name alone can grant peace, O man.
"I have read texts, mastered all sciences" - Why pride yourself so on useless learning?If you cannot join your palms and express devotion to God,Aren't all your studies a complete waste, O man?To fill the tiny stomach, you undergo troubles, You acquire a million forms of knowledge.But such education does not grant lasting peace. Why suffer so, having taken a human birth?If only you meditate on the Lord, Won’t He show you the way?
To attain Divinity, to sanctify their body, time, and life, people perform countless good actions and makes various efforts. Despite ceaseless spiritual practice (sadhana), people are unable to achieve the purity they desire. Why? They do not ...
Social norms of behaviour have drowned in the Ganga.Contentment has disappeared from the minds of people.Morality, character, and human values are shattered.Men have lost their humanness.
Everyone needs food to survive. Food is the prime necessity of life. However, one cannot rest contented by merely filling one’s stomach. Why? Food satisfies the body, not the mind. It does not make the heart blossom. To eat and laze around is not human nature. We must eat, then work. While working, we must ask ourselves three questions: “What am I doing? Why am I doing it? How am I doing it?” When one enquires into “what”, “where”, and “how”, one can achieve victory in efforts and derive self-satisfaction.
As a person observes the world, they assimilate the good around them and try to put it into practice. They experience the joy and bliss emanating from good actions. They convey their bliss to others. This is the main teaching of Taittireya Upanishad. This Upanishad assert...
Invisible in the visible world,He shines as the consciousness, the Atma.Like a thread through a necklace of gems,The Creator permeates the whole universe.
Embodiments of Love!
Everything is Braman (Sarvam Khlavidam Brahma). This is the essence of all Upanishads. The entire universe, living and non-living, is encompassed in this small statement. There is nothing that is not Brahman. Like fire latent in wood, like oil in seeds, God is present wherever we turn.
Creation, sustenance, and destruction are God’s Will. The wheel of Time rotates as per God’s command, whether one believes it or not. People forget that it is their duty to sanctify time by using it meaningfully.
Brotherhood of mankind
The sun shines, the moon lends its coolness to the world, rains pour, rivers flow, crops are harvested. Nature showers bounties for all humanity, not for any individual. Every person has an equal birthright over Nature.
People do not strive to understand the principle of equality. It is only amon...
The trees yield fruits for the benefit of others; The rivers carry water for helping others; Cows give milk to benefit others; The body is given to man to help others. EMBODIMENTS of Divine Atma! Trees produce fruits for the enjoyment of others. They have such sacred feelings. Rivers carry water to meet the needs of others. They don't consume the water they carry. All their water is offered for the benefit of the world. In a spirit of helpfulness, cows offer their milk to the people. They do not consume their milk. However, man, forgetting that he has been endowed with a body for rendering help to others is immersed in selfish concerns and pursues narrow ends. Man today does not exhibit even a thousandth part of the spirit of selfless help to others shown by trees, rivers or cows. From sunrise to sunset, man today is steeped in selfish pursuits. All the ills afflicting people today stem from this selfishness. To be concerned about one's self-interest is understandable. But, as the say...
You may gain mastery over sciences, reign among scholars,Fight bravely in battles,Take birth as an emperor and rule over kingdoms,And donate untold gold and cattle in charity.You may be able to count the number of stars in the sky,Name all the species of living beings,Study the eight limbs of scholarship,And even travel to the moon.But can you control the body and the senses,Steady the mind and turn it inward,And acquire a firm, selfless heart?
Embodiments of Love! Students, teachers, and patrons of education!
The world is ruled by science and technology. First, scientists have made astonishing strides in the fields of plastics, electronics and computers, atomic power and space research. Satellites have been sent into space. Boundless time, effort, and money is spent on the investigation of atomic power, but there is no corresponding benefit. In the anxiety to exceed each other’s achievements, scientists have set aside morality and human values. Second, we have political and financia...
Social norms have vanished; Contentment among men has disappeared; Character and moral values have been shattered; Humanness has been degraded in mankind. DEAR Students! Food is essential for everyone · the world. Among the necessities of life food comes first. But man cannot be satisfied with food alone. A full stomach does not fully satisfy the mind. He cannot merely rest on a satisfied appetite. He has to move about and engage himself in work. While doing work, one has to ask himself: "What am I doing? Why am I doing and how am I doing? When he enquires into these questions, he can derive meaning and joy from his work. In this way, he recognises the purpose and value of what he is doing. Realising what is good in his actions, he makes it a part of his life. He experiences the joy derived from his actions and shares that joy with others.
Power of mantra in Taithriya Upanishad
This is the primary message of the Taithiriya Upanishad. Starting with food, attaining bliss is the final...
O foolish mind! Whither do you wander In search of the blessed Vision of Brahman. It is within Your own self; find It there. This is the word of Sai revealing the Truth. Love cannot be grown on a farm as a crop; Nor will it be for sale in a shop. Whether they be kings or commoners, They can know love only through selflessness. EMBODIMENTS of Divine Atma! For every living being engaged in its pilgrimage in the Karma Kshetra (field of action), the mind, the tongue, ears, eyes, nose, hands, feet etc., are the Karanamulu (instruments) provided for its daily use. To achieve success in this physical world it is essential to have these three: Karanamulu (instruments), Karanam (cause or purpose) and Kartha (doer or agent). The one who wields the instruments is the Kartha or doer. The desire which propels him to act is the Karanam or cause. Man's primary aim should be to recognise the unity underlying these three factors.
The invisible Divine power in the body
In common parlance, we say...