A great deal of information and knowledge are contained in the books.
Our heads are, however, filled with dust.
Education is being used only for eking out a livelihood.
Oh children of Bharath, listen to this truth.
In our sacred traditions, we have many important and significant stories which are full of meaning. It is our misfortune that the students in this country are not able to see this significance. Bhagavad Gita means that it is the song of God. Devotees of God have also been called Bhagavathas. Vyasa has divided the story of Bhagavatha into twelve parts. Each part is called a Skanda. This is a sacred story which has been given to men in order to liberate them from bondage. This story of Bhagavatha has been taught by Vyasa to Suka who in turn gave it to the people. Maharishi Suka was the son of Maharishi Vyasa. Suka learnt the Vedas thoroughly from his father Vyasa. The Vedas and Vedangas have been divided into four parts called Samhitas. While describing the sa...
Summer Course 1976 - Indian Culture and Spirituality
May 1976
That day on which Krishna was born, according to these calculations, will come to be the 20th of July, 3228 years before the Advent of Christ. If this has to be put in our calendar, it will be in the year Srimukha, month by the name Sravana, fortnight by the name Bahula, and the day of Ashtami. The star will be Rohini and the time will be 3:00 a.m. after midnight. If we count backwards from today, the day on which Krishna gave up his mortal body will work out at 5078 years. If we want to check this, we see that 3102 B.C. and 1976 add up to 5078 years. Thus, since the Kali Yuga has started, we have now gone through 5078 years.
That is also the time when Krishna gave up his life, and that is also the day when the Kali age commenced. This day is also the first day of the Kali Yuga and we call it Ugadi.
Summer Course 1976 - Indian Culture and Spirituality
May 1976
When we take this as the basis, we come to the conclusion that the period which we now call Kali Yuga started in the year named Pramadi, in the month named Sravana, and in the fortnight named Bahula and on the day called Ashtami. According to the English calendar, this will be described as February 20, 3102 years before the advent of Christ. In order to bring out this aspect of the commencement of a new Yuga on February 20, 3102 B.C., our ancestors have been calling that day as Ugadi, or the day of the beginning of a new era. As this was the commencing day of a new Yuga, it was called the Ugadi.
When looked at from this angle, we should also learn a different aspect, although it is not very pleasant. This particular day called the Ugadi is also the day on which Krishna gave up his mortal body in a sacred place of pilgrimage called Prabata near Dwaraka.
Taking this into account, the Maharishis divided time into four Yugas called Kritha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, Thretha Yuga, and the Kali Yuga. These will keep coming back again and again. In these, the word Kritha indicates four times, and the word Thretha indicates three times. The Dwapara signifies two times, and Kali gives us an authoritative unit of measurement. According to them, 4,32,000 years is the basic unit and represents the number of years in a Kali Yuga. Two times this or 8,64,000 years represents the Dwapara Yuga. Three times this basic number of 12,96,000 years is the measure of Thretha Yuga. Four times this measure, namely, 17,28,000 years refers to Kritha Yuga. By adding all these, we get 43,20,000 years and this refers to a Maha Yuga. After a Maha Yuga, the Kritha Yuga will start again.