Eshwaramba Priya Nandana
Eshwaramba Priya Nandana
Eshwaramba Priya Nandana
Ratnakara Kula Bhooshana
Akhila Loka Nayaka
Parama Poojya Pavana
Apastamba Sutrana
Antaranga Rangana
Bharadwajasa Gotrana
Bhavya Naama Keerthana
Glory to Lord Sathya Sai, the beloved son of Mother Eshwaramba. Glory to the crown jewel of the Ratnakara clan, the Master of the whole world, the supremely sacred Lord worthy of worship, the one born in the lineage of sages Bharadwaja and Apastamba. Glory to the omniscient one, the indweller of all beings. We offer our salutations and reverentially sing Your Holy Name.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Sindhu Bhairavi / Bhairavi
The notes R2 and D2 are also used occasionally.
S R1 G1 M1 P D1 N1 S
S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R1 S
In the Key of C:
C C# E♭ F G G# B♭ C
C B♭ G# G F E♭ C# C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Medium Fast
Reference Gents Pitch
2 Pancham / D
Reference Ladies Pitch
6 Pancham / A
Music notes for First Line
P P P P P D1 P M1 G1 R2 G1
In the Key of C:
G G G G G G# G F E♭ D E♭
Notes Range
Lowest Note: n1 / B♭ (lower octave)
Highest Note: G1 / E♭ (higher octave)
Highest Note: G1 / E♭ (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Sheet Music
Song Tags
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
complete, entire, whole; (var) akhilam
inner consciousness
to revere
ornament, decoration, jewel; being so decorated; (var) bhushana, vibhushana, vibhushani (f), bhooshani (f)
mother of sri sathya sai baba; (var) eswaramma, eshwaramma, eshwari
singing the name of the lord; (var) keertana, keertanam
clan, lineage, dynasty
name; (var) naama, naamam
son, also the name of a forest; (var) nandan, nandanam
master or leader (masculine); nayaki (feminine); (var) nayaga (tamil)
supreme, principal, chief, best, highest; (var) param, paramam
sacred, also means one who protects or provides refuge; (var) pavanam, paavana; pavani (f)
deserving worship; (var) poojya, supoojita
dear; (var) priyey, priyakara, priyakari (f)
lord vittala or panduranga - a form of lord krishna; also the name of lord narayana in srirangam, tamilnadu; (var) ranganath, ranganatha
name of the dynasty in which lord sathya sai baba was born
thread, aphorism for drama; (var) sutradhari - one who manages the drama
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Devotional Song Tags
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