Please use Devotional Song Search to search for songs already present in the database. We encourage you to submit only songs that are commonly sung in Sathya Sai Centers and Groups.
If the song is found, please provide your comments on the song details page.
If the song is not found, please use this form to submit a new song.
In the first section, provide your contact information, so we could reach out to you if we need any clarifications about the song you are submitting.
In the “Song Details” section, type in the lyrics to the song, and provide the meaning and link to the song if available. Also, you can upload a recording of the song that you may have with you.
The section titled “Additional Information”, is about the musical aspects of the song, and is optional.
Once you make your submission, we will review and update the database as applicable. You would also receive an email confirming your submission.
If you need any help, have questions, or wish to provide feedback, please email them to