Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever (2)
He is good, He is good, and His love will forever endure
We will bless His name as we all proclaim that His love endures forever
He made the moon and the stars at night and His love endures forever
With outstreached arm and by His mind and His love endures forever
Adonai, Adonai, aluch mazen Adonai
Adonai malach, Adonai malach, Adonai Yesu our saviour
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever (2)
He is good, He is good, and His love will forever endure
We will bless His name as we all proclaim that His love endures forever
You are good, You are good, and your love will forever endure
We will bless His name as we all proclaim that His love endures forever
Your love endures forever (2)
English, Hebrew
Minor (Natabhairavi)
* showing details for Natabhairavi
This Raga is similar to the Asavari thaat of Hindustani music.
S R2 G1 M1 P D1 N1 S
S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E♭ F G G# B♭ C
C B♭ G# G F E♭ D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
6 Pancham / A
Reference Ladies Pitch
3 Pancham / E
Notes Range
Lowest Note: p / G (lower octave)
Highest Note: P / G
Highest Note: P / G
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
jesus christ; (var) yeshu
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