Govindam Sai Geeta Madhuram
Govindam Sai Geeta Madhuram
Tum Jagadeesham Karuna Apaaram [ Govindam Sai ... ]
Bhaktha Janardhana Sri Hari Roopam
Prashanthi Palaka Sadguru Natham
Hari Narayana Om, Sai Narayana Om
Anandam Hrude Bhajo Govindam

Lord Sai is my Lord Govinda (Narayana). Singing His name is sweet as nectar. O Lord, You are the Lord of the Universe and have an abundance of compassion for us. You are the very embodiment of Lord Hari who protects the devotees. You are the Lord and the sustainer of Prashanthi Nilayam. With all the joy in my heart I sing for You, O Lord Narayana Sai.

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