Eshwaramba Priya Nandana
Eshwaramba Priya Nandana
Ratnakara Kula Bhooshana
Akhila Loka Nayaka
Parama Poojya Pavana
Apastamba Sutrana
Antaranga Rangana
Bharadwajasa Gotrana
Bhavya Naama Keerthana

Glory to Lord Sathya Sai, the beloved son of Mother Eshwaramba. Glory to the crown jewel of the Ratnakara clan, the Master of the whole world, the supremely sacred Lord worthy of worship, the one born in the lineage of sages Bharadwaja and Apastamba. Glory to the omniscient one, the indweller of all beings. We offer our salutations and reverentially sing Your Holy Name.
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