It’s who you really are
It’s who you really are

Something’s watching you, something’s loving you
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
It was there at your birth, it was there as you grew
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
It was there when you laughed, it was there when you cried
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
Something’s giving you joy, something’s giving peace
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
It’s more solid than steel and it’s lighter than air
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
Something gives life to all, something is everything
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
It’s smaller than the smallest, it’s beyond everywhere
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
Something contains the earth, something holds the universe
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
Something’s breathing your breath, something beats your heart
It’s not far, it’s who you really are
He’s not far, He’s the Sai Avatar
He’s not far, He’s who you really are

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