Janani Jagat Janani
Janani Jagat Janani
Janani Jagat Janani
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jagat Janani
Jagadodharini Sai Ma
Bhava Bhaya Harini Bharati Ma
Janani Jagat Janani
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jagat Janani
Jagat Janani
Praises be to Mother of the Universe. Mother Sai sustains and nourishes the Universe, removes the fear of successive births.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
S M1 P G2 M2 D2 S
R1 N2 D2 P M1 P G2 R1 S
In the Key of C:
C F G E F# A C
C# B A G F G E C# C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
2 Pancham / D
Reference Ladies Pitch
5.5 Pancham / G#
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
one of the names of goddess saraswathi
being, becoming, birth, world
one who removes/destroys (f); (var) harini, harnevali
one who liberates the world; (var) jagadoddhara, jagadoddharini (f), jagadodhaara, jagadodharaka, jagadodharana, jagadodharanam, jagadodharini (f)
world; (var) jagath, jagatha, jag, jaga
victory; (var) jayam, jayatu
mother; (var) maayi, maiya, mayi
sa + aai = divine mother
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