Kali Yug Ke Avatara Sai
Kali Yug Ke Avatara Sai
Kali Yug Ke Avatara Sai Baba
Araj Suno Parthi Baba [ Kali Yug Ke ... ]
Daya Ke Sagara Sai Baba
Karunamaya Sai Prema Pradatha
Deena Janon Ke Sai Baba
Bhaktha Janon Ke Sai Baba
Sathya Sanathana Sai Baba
Oh Lord Sai, You are the incarnation of this Kali age, please listen to my appeal. Oh Lord of Compassion, the bestower of Love, the kin of Your devotees, the needy and the downtrodden, You are Eternal.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
S R2 G2 M1 P D1 N1 S
S N1 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E F G G# B♭ C
C B♭ G# G F E D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Medium Slow
Reference Gents Pitch
3 Madhyam / A
Reference Ladies Pitch
7 Madhyam / E
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
incarnation; (var) avatara, avataram, avatari, avathaar, avathari, avatarini(f)
lord sai baba - the divine father
devotee; (var) bhakthudu (telugu), bhakthargal (tamil)
downtrodden; (var) deena, deenan
people; (var) jano, janon, janonke (of people), janoon, janara
current era; one among the four eras of kritha, treta, dwapara and kali
compassion; (var) karunya, karunamaya - full of compassion, karunamayi (f), karunantha, karunakara - embodiment of compassion
of or belonging to
bestower; (var) pradayi, pradatham, pradayini (f)
love; (var) prem; also the name of the third sai avatar, prema sai
birthplace of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba; (var) parti, parthi, parthipuri
ocean; (var) sagara, sagaram, sagari (feminine)
sa + aai = divine mother
perpetual, constant, eternal, permanent; (var) sanathani (f), sanatana, sanathanaya
truth, short form of sathyanarayana – the childhood name of sri sathya sai baba; (var) sathyam
one of the divisions of time. there are four yugas, known as krita, treta, dvapara and kali (the current age); (var) yug, yugamuna (telugu)
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