Prabhu Leela Prabhu Mahima
Prabhu Leela Prabhu Mahima
Prabhu Leela Prabhu Mahima
Kali Avatara Sai Narayana
Prabhu Dhama Parama Dhama
Japorey Japo Mana Sai Naama
Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Sai Rama
Prabhu Leela Prabhu Mahima
Prabhu Leela Prabhu Mahima
Kali Avatara Hari Narayana
Prabhu Dhama Parama Dhama
Chalore Chal Mana Parthi Dhama
Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Sai Rama
Lord Sai Narayana, the incarnation of Kali age is the compassionate Lord who works His miracles as part of the divine play. Lord Sai's abode is Supremely sacred. O Mind, chant the name of Lord Sai. Victory to Thee, O Lord Sai Rama.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Yaman Kalyan
While ascending, the notes S and P are usually skipped and rendered as N R G M D N S.
S R2 G2 M2 P D2 N2 S
S N2 D2 P M2 G2 M1 G2 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E F# G A B C
C B A G F# E F E D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
4 Pancham / F
Reference Ladies Pitch
1 Pancham / C
Notes Range
Lowest Note: n2 / B (lower octave)
Highest Note: S / C (higher octave)
Highest Note: S / C (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Karaoke Tracks for Practice
Reference Track
1.5 Pancham / C#
Ladies Pitch Karaoke Tracks
1.5 Pancham / C#
Sheet Music
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Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
incarnation; (var) avatara, avataram, avatari, avathaar, avathari, avatarini(f)
let us go; (var) chaley, chala - to go
house, residence, light, lustre, splendor; (var) dham, dhamam, dhaam, dhaama
name of lord vishnu; (var) hare, harey
to chant continuously; (var) japiye, japorey
victory; (var) jayam, jayatu
current era; one among the four eras of kritha, treta, dwapara and kali
play, sport, entertainment; (var) leelamaya – full of sport
mind; (var) man, mano
lord vishnu; (var) narayan, narayanam, narayanaya
supreme, principal, chief, best, highest; (var) param, paramam
lord, master; (var) prabho
birthplace of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba; (var) parti, parthi, parthipuri
name of the seventh incarnation of lord vishnu, son of dasharatha and kausalya; (var) ram
sa + aai = divine mother
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