Sayeesha Sharanam Sharanam Sayeesha
Sayeesha Sharanam Sharanam Sayeesha
Sathya Shivatmaka Sundara Esha [ Sayeesha ... ]
Tandava Rudra Sadashiva Sai
Karuna Sagara Raghava Sai
Gaana Manohara Madhava Sai
Madhava Sai Hey Madhava (Raghava) Sai
Buddhi Pradayaka Sambhava Sai

O Lord Sai, we surrender at Your Lotus Feet. You are the most beautiful and eternal one, the embodiment of all that is good and true. You are verily the most enchanting Cosmic Dancer Shiva, the most compassionate Rama as well as Krishna, the embodiment and connoisseur of all music. O Lord Sai, You are the one who bestows wisdom.

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