Sri Ganesha Charanam Sharanam Jai
Sri Ganesha Charanam Sharanam Jai Ganesha Charanam
Parthi Pureesha Paapa Vinashaka [ Sri Ganesha Charanam ... ]
Abhaya Pradayaka Atma Swaroopa
Hey Shiva Nandana Jaya Jagadeesha
Buddhi Pradayaka Hey Shubha Dayaka
Parthi Gajanana Pavana Charana

Let us surrender to the Lotus Feet of Lord Ganesha who is verily Lord Sai, Lord of Parthi, who destroys our sins. Salutations to the very embodiment of the Supreme Soul who grants us protection. Victory to the beloved son of Lord Shiva who bestows wisdom and auspiciousness. Salutations at the Holy Feet of Lord Ganesha at Parthi.

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