Tat Pranamami Shiva Lingam
Tat Pranamami Shiva Lingam
Namami Sai Shiva Lingam
Smarami Sai Shiva Lingam
Haalahala Dhara Shiva Lingam
Vibhuti Sundara Shiva Lingam
Namami Sai Shiva Lingam
Smarami Sai Shiva Lingam

We offer prostrations to the Shiva Lingam (a sacred elliptical stone - a form of Lord Shiva). We lovingly worship the Shiva Lingam. We contemplate and meditate on the Shiva Lingam. Lord Shiva saved the world by Himself absorbing the poison. Glory to the beautiful Shiva Lingam that is adorned with Vibhuti.

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