There’s a change in the air
There's a change in the air
There's a new day comin'
A new way of living, and a new way of lovin'
A new way of knowing
Understanding and caring
For Sathya Sai Baba teaches
Service and sharing
Sathya Sai, to You we pray - help us share our love today
Grant us vision, that we may see - instruments of love we'll be
Sathya Sai Baba, we're never parted
As long as we're loving, and open - hearted
Love is the way, and love is the key
Let's open the door to living peaceful and free [ Sathya Sai, to You we pray ... we'll be ]
One people, one planet - it's within our grasp
As Sathya Sai Baba makes it come to pass
It's very simple, there's nothing to it
Let's open our hearts and go out and do it [ Sathya Sai, to You we pray ... we'll be ]

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