Uma Nandana Sri Ganesha
Uma Nandana Sri Ganesha
Uma Nandana Sri Ganesha
Ganesha Ganesha Ganesha
Buddhi Pradatha Sai Ganesha
Paahi Prabho Maam Sai Ganesha
Prema Pradatha Vighna Vinasha
Ananda Dayaka Sai Ganesha
Atmabhi Bodhaka Jai Sri Ganesha
Victory to Lord Ganesha, son of Mother Uma (Parvathi) who bestows intellect, love, bliss, and self-realization. Glory to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and protector of His devotees.
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Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
bliss; (var) ananda, anandam, anando
for the soul
advice; (var) bodhaka - one who gives advice
one who gives; (var) dayakam, dayiney, dayaki (f)
lord of the ganas, name of the elephant faced god; (var) ganesh
for me
son, also the name of a forest; (var) nandan, nandanam
protect; (var) pahi
lord, master; (var) prabho
bestower; (var) pradayi, pradatham, pradayini (f)
love; (var) prem; also the name of the third sai avatar, prema sai
sa + aai = divine mother
honorific title of respect; another name of goddess lakshmi; wealth, majesty, splendour, intellect, fortune; (var) thiru (tamil)
goddess parvathi; (var) umaiyaval - tamil
one who destroys or removes; (var) vinashaka, vinashana, vinashini (f), vinasham;
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