When My Heart Was Full Of Fear And Sorrow
When my heart was full of fear and sorrow
Thinking no one could take the darkness away
The path is long, so cold and lonesome
And my life seemed like a stormy sea

Then You came with Your glowing presence
A guiding star lighting up our way
Now I know I will never look back
At the things I left behind

My Sai My precious Sai
My Sai O Sathya Sai
My Sai My precious Sai

He released His Love within my heart
He took away the pain that made me blind
He's my everything my Lord My Sai
The Universal Love within a song

There are always storms to encounter
But all storms must pass
Where He leads me I will follow
I owe it all to Him [ My Sai ... ]

May this thread of love never break
May we always be with You Sathya Sai
You never ever leave our hearts
We will always belong to You dearest Sai [ My Sai ... ]

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