Amba Bhavani Tribhuvana Mohini
Amba Bhavani Tribhuvana Mohini
Ananda Roopini Jagat Janani
Sadananda Roopini Sai Janani
Adi Parashakthi Abhaya Pradayini
Bhairavi Shankari Bhava Bhaya Haarini
Durga Chandi Duritha Nivarini
Mata Maheshwari Gowri Shivani

Sing the glory of Mother Parvathi, the most enchanting one in all three worlds. She is the Mother of the Universe, the very embodiment of eternal Bliss. She is the Supreme Power who bestows protection, grants freedom from the fear of birth and death and relieves us from all afflictions. The Supreme Mother who is known by many names such as Bhairavi, Shankari, Durga, Chandi, Gowri and Shivani is none other than Mother Sai.

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